Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane Ike

My exeperience during Hurricane Ike was different. Ususally for hurricanes we have left out of town, but this year we stayed. This has ben the longest time I have ben without electricity. The worst thing about it was that the power went out Friday evening, everyone lost power midnight or days later but ours went out around five or six!! Ugh.! During the storm it was pretty bad the winds were really loud and my mom says it sounded like little kids crying. In my neighborhood there were lots of fallen trees. It was like everything had gone green. There were leaves everywhere and knocked down trees. Our tree fell too, but it fell on top of our neighbors truck. After the storm it was hot and really boring!!!! There was nothing to do and nowhere to go. I was able to entertain myself with my ipod for like two days but it died:( When most of the streets were cleared my sister and i would go out and walk around and when little stores got power backwe would go out and buy chips and candy. When the mall opened we went and steyed there for like four hours. We didnt buy much but it was way better than being at home bored in the HOT! We are kinda lucky though cuz we have a generator that my dad turns on at night to hook up fans or the window a/c and so at night is not as hot as during the day.

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